Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Influence

Not too long ago, I read the book, "Be Nice, or Else!" by Winn Claybaugh. He had an interesting chapter about how the things around you influence you. He not only avoids violence in media, but also unkindness and backbiting. I think that's wonderful. If violence, sexual content, drug use, and foul language can influence our behavior, the same could be said of infidelity, cruelty, lying, sabotaging, and other behaviors on TV and in the books we read. We don't only have to watch children's television and read about rainbows and sunshine, but we should take into account what we view or read is teaching. I don't want to watch TV shows that encourage affiars, but I also don't want to watch shows that encourage keeping information from your spouse, negative talking about others, stepping on others while trying to get ahead, and other negative actvities. I'm not trying to ban TV or books-I love to read, and I love movies. I just think people should think more about what they're watching.

What do I like to watch? I love Food Network. The competition shows actually make me rather frazzled, but I love watching shows where they teach you how to cook. Watching cooks make food for those they love, often their families, while learning how to cook, something I enjoy, makes me happy. I'm not a huge fan of grilling (I don't own a grill or have room for one) but now and then I enjoy watching Gina and Pat Neely's show. I love how they are working together to cook, and seem very happy together. The point is to watch things that make you happy and uplift you. Only you can know what does that for you.

If you are concerned about what your children watch, check out It reviews movies and rates them according to sexual content, violence and profanity as well as goes over each of these instances. If your kids are going out to the movies, you can check out a potential movie and see if that PG-13 is barely over PG or practically R. It's great for adults to know if a movie is worth your time too!

What positive books, music, and movies do you like? Do you feel that what you watch or see affects you?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

What does a degree really mean?

About a month ago, I finished my coursework for a degree from Brigham Young University in Marriage, Family, and Human Development. I loved my program. I had wonderful, insightful, funny professors, and I learned so much; skills I want to implement in my own family, ideas for creating a better community, even how I want to improve myself, as a wife, daughter, and future mother.

As with most graduates during this economic downtown, I left college, armed with a degree but no job, and thought, "Now what?" The motto of BYU is, "enter to learn, go forth to serve". I want so much to be able to help others with the knowledge and skills that I have gained.

Right before I graduated, I completed an internship with the website known as "Forever Families". It teaches wonderful principles about how to raise a family, and uses current, comprehensive research to support it's claims. I wrote a few articles for the website, and I enjoyed it immensely. It really taught me about the potential of the Internet to reach so many people. Now, I may not have all my words perfectly sourced-I will never plagiarize-but this isn't a literary journal. What my degree has really done for me is to influence my opinions, my ideals, and has given me ideas for what the research says about how to effectively have a good, happy marriage and family life. But let us learn together-I'll post my thoughts and ideas, and you can comment on what you think. You can agree or disagree, ask for ideas or give advice. What I want is to make our lives better. That's my goal, anyway.